This year like previous ones (see the post from last year), I asked my students to prepare a tourist presentation for their final project. It is very important to develop the skills involved with preparing a tourist presentation of a place in English as students could be asked to do so at any moment in their careers ,like for example: working for a Tourist Board or for a promotional tourist company, tour operator, etc. As a guidance, I gave students some basic instructions, which I have included below, and I chose Japan as the place they would make their presentation about because it is a long way away from Spain and students don´t know much about it. In this way, their project would give them the chance to get to know Japan a little better and to make an effort to present to others a country which they are not very familiar with.
Japan Assignment Instructions
Japan Assignment Instructions
These are two of the best final projects. You can also see them in our YouTube channel www.youtube.com/Englishfortourism:
I want to thank Juan José Murillo and Francisco Antonio Cañizares for their work as well as the rest of my students who also did a great job.
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